"Experience Nepal's Himalayas with Himalayan Treks."


Home Bhutan


Welcome to Bhutan, the mystical realm often hailed as the Last Shangri-La, nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas. As one of the last true Himalayan Kingdoms, Bhutan captivates visitors with its rich cultural heritage and commitment to preserving its unique traditions. The Himalayan Treks invites you to explore the wonders of Bhutan, where tradition thrives amidst breathtaking natural beauty. Discover the unique concept of Gross National Happiness as Bhutan balances economic development with environmental conservation and cultural preservation, making it a beacon of sustainable tourism. Journey through pristine landscapes and ancient trails to iconic sites like Tiger’s Nest Monastery, Taktsang Goemba, and the sacred peaks of Jomolhari and Gangkar Puensum, where the serenity of Bhutan’s forests and glacial lakes offers a profound spiritual experience. Immerse yourself in Bhutan’s vibrant culture as you attend colorful festivals like Paro Tsechu and Punakha Drubchen, where masked dances and religious rituals celebrate the country’s rich traditions. The Himalayan Treks invites you to unlock the secrets of Bhutan through expertly crafted tours and treks, offering personalized experiences that delve into the heart of this mystical kingdom.